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Please refer to our Group Riding Guidelines, before joining us for a ride.
HomeTour de Tulsa Rider Guide

Rider Guide
Tour de Tulsa, Saturday, May 4, 2024

Packet Pick-up, Thursday, May 2nd
Riders can pick up their ride packets on Thursday, May 2nd, 2024, from 11:30 am until 6:00 pm at Tom's Bicycles, 6861 S Peoria Avenue, Tulsa, OK.
Riders will also be able to register at Tom's during the packet pickup period.  Registration will be at the online rates.  Riders can also register online until midnight, Thursday, May 2nd.

If you have friends who want to beat the ride-day registration price of $60, tell them to drop by Tom's and register or get on their computers and pull the trigger! 

Ride Day

Important Notes

  • See the map at bottom of this email showing the start-finish area and location of registration, staging for the ride, etc.
  • All riders must wear helmets.
  • Riders must wear the bibs provided.  Riders not wearing bibs may be refused rest stop and SAG services.  We prefer the bibs be placed on the back of your jersey/shirt.
  • Young riders must be accompanied by an adult who is on a bicycle and riding with them.
  • All longer distance routes are on public roadways.  Riders must observe ALL traffic signs, signals, and state and municipal laws pertaining to cyclists.  Ride Safe, Ride Smart, and Share The Road!
  • In case of emergency, call 911.  You can subsequently call the Tour de Tulsa support number, 539-842-8243, to alert us.  If you don't have a phone, flag down another rider or Tour de Tulsa support vehicle.
  • Put this number in your cell phone for Tour de Tulsa non-emergency ride-day support:  539-842-8243 .
  • The ride proceeds rain or shine with the exception of severe weather in progress or imminent.  The start may be delayed and longer routes eliminated in the event of active thunderstorms.
Ride-Day Bib(Ride-Number) and T-shirt Pickup - Ride-day pickup of bibs and t-shirts begins at 7:00 am in the start-finish area. 

Ride-Day Registration
 - Ride-day registration begins at 7:00 am in the start-finish area.

Ride Start Times - Distance Riders start at 8:00 am.  Family Fun Riders start at 8:15 am.

Start-Finish Area - The start-finish area is located at the southwest corner of River West Festival Park, just inside the park entrance.  The official address for River West Festival Park is 2100 S Jackson Ave, Tulsa, OK. Click here for a Google map of River West Festival Park location.  Scroll down to see an aerial view of the start/finish area.

  • Ride-day bib (ride number) and t-shirt pickup and ride-day registration will be located in the start-finish area.
  • Pre- and post-ride snacks will be available in the 20' x 20' tent north of the registration area. 
  • Portable toilets are located east of the registration area.
  • Bike Shops will be providing mechanical support in the registration area.

Parking - Ample parking is available at River West Festival Park.  Please park fully within a single marked parking spot.  Other parking opportunities are available along Riverside Drive on the east bank of the Arkansas, which is only a short ride from the start-finish area.  Scroll down for an aerial view of the ride start area and parking opportunities.

Riders are encouraged to ride to the ride freeing up parking space for out-of-area riders and avoiding the need to locate a parking spot.
NOTE that parking in the southeast corner of River West is reserved for River Parks staff and Tour de Tulsa volunteers.  The area will be identified be marked off with traffic cones and controlled by a parking attendent.

Route Markings - All routes are marked on the roadway or signed along the route.  Be aware of these markings and points where the various route distances diverge. 

The markings outside the City of Tulsa are circular with a line extending out from the circle in the direction the route takes at that point.  They are also marked as TdT and have the route distance where routes diverge. Here are examples of what to look for ...

The markings in the City of Tulsa include large arrow-shaped stickers on the street surface and/or signage on the right-of-way.


Maps - A small number of printed maps with cue sheets will be available for each route at the registration area on Saturday morning, May 4th.  Riders are encouraged to utilize the Ride With GPS smartphone app or download the GPX files from the Tour de Tulsa website to load on their GPS device.  See route maps and downloadable versions on the Tour de Tulsa web page.  If you prefer a printed map, your best bet is to print your own copy from home.  PDFs of all routes are available on the Tour de Tulsa web page. 

Route You Elect To Ride - Please ride a route that is appropriate for your fitness level regardless of the route length you indicated on your registration.  On-road support will end at 4:00 pm; please plan your ride accordingly.  No rest stops or SAG/Mechanical support will be provided after 4:00 pm.

Rest Stops
 - Rest stops are provided at frequent intervals with water and snacks on all rides including the Family Fun Ride.  Adequate hydration is important on any ride and especially if the temperature is warmer.  Take advantage of the snacks to keep yourself fueled for the distance.

NOTE:  Each rest stop is supplied with a floor pump and multitool and minimal repair supplies should you need them.  Don't hesitate to ask to use them.

Emergencies During The Ride
 - Find a rider with a phone and dial 911 first!  Then contact the Tour de Tulsa ride-day support number at 539-842-8243 and explain your situation.  Be sure to move off the roadway and assure the safety of any injured riders.  Members of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club are cruising the route and their vehicles will have identifying signage.  Feel free to flag one of them down for assistance.  Similarly, mechanical SAGS are cruising the routes and can be flagged down to assist.  "Signal" your need for help by tapping the top of your helmet with an open hand.  First aid kits are available at all rest stops and from SAG driver for treatment of minor cuts and scrapes.

SAG Service During The Ride
 - If you need mechanical or other non-emergency assistance during the your ride, including if you need a ride back to the start-finish area, call the Tour de Tulsa support number at 539-842-8243 or flag down one of the Tour de Tulsa support vehicles.  Move completely off the roadway or path while waiting for assistance.  Tom's Bicycles and Spoke House Bicycles will be patrolling the ride routes in addition to the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club SAG vehicles.  Flag one of them down if you're unable to call the support number.  A common signal for those needing support is to stand at the roadside and pat the top of your helmet as a SAG vehicle approaches.

"Lantern Rouge" Riders (very slow riders)
 - Riders who lag significantly behind may be asked to SAG ahead or SAG to the start-finish area.  Ride Support will not be provided to any riders still on any of the routes after 4:00 pm.  Riders who wish to continue riding beyond the 4:00 pm support cut-off will be asked to sign a waiver indicating that they recognize that they are on their own without support for the remainder of their ride.

- The Tour de Tulsa will proceed rain or shine with the exception of severe weather in progress or imminent.  The start may be delayed in the event of passing showers at ride start time.  If necessary, the ride start time will be delayed until 9:00 am and the 100-mile route will be eliminated.  A second start delay until 10:00 am will result in elimination of the 60 mile route.  If severe weather is still occurring at 10 am, the ride will be cancelled.  NOTE: this is a charity ride benefiting Tulsa's River Parks.  NO REFUNDS are made in the event the ride must be cancelled.

Start-Finish Area, Parking, Rider Staging

CONSTRUCTION:  Please be aware that Jackson Avenue is blocked at 23rd Street, so you'll need to follow the detour signs to get to River West, via S. Maybelle Ave, or come in off of Southwest Blvd on W. 17th Street.  Use your favorite online map app to become familiar with the area.  It's not difficult to get to River West, it's just not as straight forward as being able to turn at 23rd Street as you normally would.  See map below showing blocked intersection and two different ways to get to River West.


The aerial view below shows the start-finish area and the staging/starting location for both distance riders and Family Fun Riders. 

Note:  Distance riders start at 8:00 am and Family Fun Riders depart at 8:15 am.  Family riders will have time to watch the distance riders start their ride.  Then Family riders should assemble on the path area north and east of the registration tents. 

Pre-registered riders can pick up their bib numbers, and t-shirt, in the registration area.

Rider registration will be in the same area.

Tom's Bicycles and Spoke House Bicycles will be available across from registration if your bike needs last minute attention by a pro.

Portable toilets are available east of the registration area.

A large 20' x 20' tent with tables and chairs will be available for riders to relax in.  Before the ride start you can get a bagel, banana, or orange and a cup of coffee.  There will also be water and Gatorade available.

Following your ride, come back to the "big tent" for a sandwich, chips, cookie, dill pickle, and a can of Coke.  And don't forget to have photos take by the big Driller and our Tour de Tulsa logo cutout.  We'll also have signs you can hold for photos; some with catchy sayings and others shouting out the distance you rode.

PARKING - there is lots of parking at River West.  Please be considerate of other riders and park entirely in one space; don't take up multiple spaces please.  NOTE that there is a staff/volunteer parking at the east end of the parking are near the maintenance buildings.  This is a reserved parking area and should not be used by riders.  Orange cones will designate this area.

RIDER STAGING - Distance riders will line up on Jackson Avenue just outside the park.  Riders will head out north on Jackson due to the construction at 23rd and Jackson.  There will be a "START" feather banner on the right-of-way on Jackson designating the start line.  Please keep to the right side of Jackson as there will be traffic coming into the park and the residences served by Jackson.


What did we forget to tell you?


Please see the Tour de Tulsa webpage on the Tulsa Bicycle Club site for more detailed information and links to maps and other information you may want or need.


If you're planning to spend the night in Tulsa, check out the accommodations listed on the ride page.  All are within 3 miles of the ride start and will offer a warm welcome to Tulsa visitors.


Come for the ride, stay for everything else there is to see and do in Tulsa.  From world-class art and historical museums to iconic Route 66 sights and venues.  We'd love to have you stay awhile and enjoy our city!

For more information about visiting and enjoying Tulsa, go to . 


Contact us at if you have questions about this year's ride or suggestions for Tour de Tulsa 2024!  And don't forget to respond to the post-ride survey you'll receive early next week.  We want to hear from you; the good, the bad, and the EXCELLENT!  

Huge THANK YOU to all of our sponsors

Family Fun Ride Sponsor

Ascension St. John


Yellow Jersey Sponsor

Pathways To Health


Polkadot Jersey Sponsor



Friends of the Tour de Tulsa

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma

Major Taylor Cycling Club of Oklahoma


RG Foods and their Fresh Food Academy

Downtown Tulsa Lions
McNellie's Restaurant Group

Breakfast Prep

RG Foods

Lunch Makers

RG Foods Fresh Food Academy
Music Provider
Ramal Brown from Food On The Move

T-Shirts Produced by
Townsend Marketing

Community Partners of Tour de Tulsa
Tom's Bicycles
Spoke House Bicycles
Tulsa Amateur Radio Club

Support our local bike shops!

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Tulsa Bicycle Club: 1622 E 45th St, Tulsa, OK 74105-4118 ...  Contact Us