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HomeRide - Weekly Rides

Weekly Rides


Check the TBC Calendar for the most up-to-date information regarding weekly or special event rides.

Here are brief descriptions for our regular Club rides ...
Tuesday/Thursday Morning Ride
Tuesday Evening Leisurely Ride
Saturday Morning Club Ride
Saturday Morning Nomad Leisurely Ride
TBC Calendar

Note:  Ride start times vary by ride and date dependent primarily on morning temperatures during the year.  In general, ride start times correspond to the following (but ALWAYS check the Club Calendar for the most up-to-date start time and location information) ...
Dec - Feb, 9:30 am
Mar - May, 9:00 am
Jun - Aug, 8:00 am
Sep - Nov, 9:00 am

Tuesday - Thursday Morning

M/S (moderate to strenuous) - Rides are 20 to 40 miles of flat to hilly back roads at 12 to 18 mph.  Riders typically break into smaller groups based on their preferred average speed.

Destinations and routes vary, decided by consensus at the time of the start.

New riders should be prepared to identify themselves so that regular riders can assist them with routing and such since the group typically breaks up into various pace groups.

Starting location changes monthly and start time is adjusted for daylight savings time -- see the Club calendar for details.

TBC Calendar

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Tuesday Evening Leisurely Ride

L (Leisurely) - The Tuesday Evening Leisurely Ride departs from the parking lot at 68th & Riverside Dr at 6pm, March through November corresponding to daylight savings time changes.

The ride pace for this 15-20 mile ride is a leisurely 10-12 mph average, or whatever speed is comfortable for the group.  No one will be left behind and there will be frequent stops for regrouping.  Routes are not marked or mapped and vary from week to week.

Lights are not required.

The Tuesday Leisurely Rides run from March through November, beginning the first Tuesday following the second Sunday in March and ending the last Tuesday in October.

See the Club Calendar for any specific date of interest.  

Questions?  Contact Tuesday Evening Leisurely Ride Coordinator

Tuesday Evening Start Location ... click on map below to see in Google Maps.


Saturday Morning Club Ride

Most Saturdays, the Club rides from a location specified on the Calendar for that weekend.  The ride route and starting time are specified, but may be altered by a consensus of riders at the start.  There is no "leader" as such for these rides and they are not marked.  Maps can be downloaded from the Club's Ride With GPS page and the Ride With GPS smartphone app may be used to navigate the route.

Riders should identify themselves if new to our rides or if they need assistance with routing.  The group MAY NOT RIDE TOGETHER and typically breaks up into various pace groups.  These are NOT “no drop” rides, so riders should be prepared to navigate on their own and take care of their own maintenance issues.
Distance and difficulty, as well as expected average speed, can vary widely.  Refer to the ride description on the club calendar for specifics.

Note:  Ride leaders and marked routes have been available in the past, but are currently not being provided.  If you would be interested in leading and/or marking, please contact the Club vice president to discuss. 


Saturday Morning Nomad Leisurely Ride

L (Leisurely) - The Nomad Ride has a relaxed pace of 10-12 mph with frequent stops and no-one left behind.  Riders may stop at a restaurant or c-store depending on the group's desire.

The focus is on camaraderie with no one being left behind.

The difference between this and the Saturday Morning Leisurely Ride is that there may be a few more hills, a bit longer distance, and perhaps some rides outside the Tulsa metro area.

It is the Nomad Leisurely Ride’s goal to attract those who enjoy the social, easy-going ride with routes that offer more challenge but the same level of rider support as the Saturday Morning Leisurely Ride.

See the Club Calendar for information regarding the ride from week-to-week.

Questions:  Contact the Nomad Ride coordinator 

TBC Calendar

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